1. Update Your Front Door

Add a Beautiful New Door Knob
To quickly and easily improve the look of your front door, add a new lockset and door handle. These add both beauty and security, and you can choose from a wide variety of styles and finishes.
Retractable Screens Let in Spring Breezes
Enjoy the fresh air by installing a Brisa Retractable Screen on your front door, or any door in the house. These premium screens are child and pet friendly, and give you indoor/outdoor living without the slamming and banging of a traditional screen door.
Beautify Your Front Door
Decorative Door Glass instantly updates your front door, adding both style and beauty. For your spring project, there are a variety of styles from traditional to modern to match your home's character. Handcrafted decorative glass panels offer privacy and are thermally sealed for energy efficiency.
You may think it is a hassle to replace your whole front door, but now there is no need! Through Zabitat, you are able to keep your old door, and install a glass insert! You save time and money!2. Give Rooms a Fresh Coat of Paint
Source: Home Depot
3. Add New Glass & Blinds to Your Door
Have you taken a good, hard look at the windows in your doors lately? Chances are, they haven't had a freshening up in awhile. Instantly upgrade your home's look with new blinds for your door windows. Add-On Blinds are convenient, and are an easy way to add some privacy to your home! And why stop there? Switch to enclosed blinds to make a real improvement for your home! Enclosed Blinds eliminate dusting and cleaning, and give you total control over light and privacy in a much more convenient manner.

4. Reduce Interior Clutter

- Closets and drawers
- Kitchen cupboards
- Cables and cords
- Paper clutter
- Collectibles
5. Spruce Up Your Deck & Patio
The warm weather will be drawing everyone outdoors, so spring is a great time to spruce up your deck or patio. If your deck has been neglected, give it a good power washing and treat it with some weatherproofing stain. The difference will be dramatic. Add some fresh furniture pieces, cushions, planters filled with fresh spring flowers, and a bright outdoor rug, and you'll have a fresh, new outdoor space to enjoy with family and friends. Another idea to immediately upgrade your deck or patio is to add a retractable screen to your sliding glass door. These are an easy project that install in less than a half hour with a cordless drill. Adding a retractable screen truly brings the outdoors in, and allows fresh breezes to flow through the house.